[osgeo4w-dev] QGIS fails to install
Kristian Evers
2018-10-15 11:00:10 UTC

I was very happy to see that many core packages in OSGeo4W was updated [0].
That is a very welcome addition. Unfortunately I experience problems with the
QGIS package. The install fails with the following message:

Package: Unknown package
qgis-common.bat exit code -1073741701

Additional logs can be find at [1] and [2].

When trying to open QGIS from the start menu I get the following message:


I hope this is enough info to debug the issue. Please let me know if there is more
Info I can provide to solve this issue.


[0] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-psc/2018-October/006677.html
[1] https://www.dropbox.com/s/0obwc54jtwwdduk/setup.log?dl=0
[2] https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbpv5aecam6i7iw/setup.log.full?dl=0
Luigi Pirelli
2018-10-15 11:12:53 UTC

I'm experiencing issue also updateing qgis 3.x versions of a win10 system
(note qgs 2.18 update works fine)

the error in the postinstall execution that give me the following popup

crssync.exe error can't find Qt5WebKitwidgets.dll

attached the complete log shown with dbgview.exe

Luigi Pirelli

* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
* Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
* GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
* Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
* Hire me: http://goo.gl/BYRQKg

On Mon, 15 Oct 2018 at 13:00, Kristian Evers <***@sdfe.dk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was very happy to see that many core packages in OSGeo4W was updated [0].
> That is a very welcome addition. Unfortunately I experience problems with
> the
> QGIS package. The install fails with the following message:
> Package: Unknown package
> qgis-common.bat exit code -1073741701
> Additional logs can be find at [1] and [2].
> When trying to open QGIS from the start menu I get the following message:
> I hope this is enough info to debug the issue. Please let me know if there
> is more
> Info I can provide to solve this issue.
> Thanks,
> Kristian
> [0] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-psc/2018-October/006677.html
> [1] https://www.dropbox.com/s/0obwc54jtwwdduk/setup.log?dl=0
> [2] https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbpv5aecam6i7iw/setup.log.full?dl=0
> _______________________________________________
> osgeo4w-dev mailing list
> osgeo4w-***@lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/osgeo4w-dev
Kristian Evers
2018-10-16 07:37:36 UTC
This issue is fixed for me now. Thanks for a swift response!


Fra: Luigi Pirelli <***@gmail.com>
Sendt: 15. oktober 2018 13:13
Til: Kristian Evers <***@sdfe.dk>
Cc: osgeo4w-dev <osgeo4w-***@lists.osgeo.org>
Emne: Re: [osgeo4w-dev] QGIS fails to install


I'm experiencing issue also updateing qgis 3.x versions of a win10 system (note qgs 2.18 update works fine)

the error in the postinstall execution that give me the following popup

crssync.exe error can't find Qt5WebKitwidgets.dll

attached the complete log shown with dbgview.exe

Luigi Pirelli

* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
* Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
* GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
* Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
* https://www.packtpub.com/big-data-and-business-intelligence/mastering-qgis-second-edition
* Hire me: http://goo.gl/BYRQKg

On Mon, 15 Oct 2018 at 13:00, Kristian Evers <***@sdfe.dk<mailto:***@sdfe.dk>> wrote:

I was very happy to see that many core packages in OSGeo4W was updated [0].
That is a very welcome addition. Unfortunately I experience problems with the
QGIS package. The install fails with the following message:

Package: Unknown package
qgis-common.bat exit code -1073741701

Additional logs can be find at [1] and [2].

When trying to open QGIS from the start menu I get the following message:


I hope this is enough info to debug the issue. Please let me know if there is more
Info I can provide to solve this issue.


[0] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-psc/2018-October/006677.html
[1] https://www.dropbox.com/s/0obwc54jtwwdduk/setup.log?dl=0
[2] https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbpv5aecam6i7iw/setup.log.full?dl=0

osgeo4w-dev mailing list
Müller, Andreas, Dr. phil.
2018-10-16 12:49:59 UTC
I confirm that installation works fine, thank you very much!

But, unfortunately, i detect some errors/differences in Qt5/PyQt5:
- in Python36 there was an copy of %osgeo4w_root%\bin\qt.conf in apps\Qt5\bin and in apps\python36, now that in Qt5\bin it is missing (not knowing if it is needed by anything)
- in Qt5/Python36 we had QtWebEngine and QtWebKit, now QtWebEngine is missing. (QGIS-Plugins using it, will not work)

Andreas Müller

Dr. Andreas Müller -_- Universität Trier - FB VI - Kartographie, ***@uni-trier.de
54286 Trier, Behringstr. 29, F 191, ++496512014576
Jürgen E. Fischer
2018-10-16 14:22:10 UTC
On Tue, 16. Oct 2018 at 12:49:59 +0000, Müller, Andreas, Dr. phil. wrote:
> I confirm that installation works fine, thank you very much!

> But, unfortunately, i detect some errors/differences in Qt5/PyQt5:
> - in Python36 there was an copy of %osgeo4w_root%\bin\qt.conf in apps\Qt5\bin
> and in apps\python36, now that in Qt5\bin it is missing (not knowing if it is
> needed by anything)

> - in Qt5/Python36 we had QtWebEngine and QtWebKit, now QtWebEngine is
> missing. (QGIS-Plugins using it, will not work)

I brought back the old webkit for 5.9. For some reason I was under the false
impression that QtWebKit was included in 5.11 again.

I'll rebuild QtWebKit with 5.11 and also PyQt5 after that. I suppose that will
also make QtWebEngine available again.

Unfortunately I'm at intergeo this week and couldn't yet get to any of my
windows machines in the office. So it will probably take a bit longer than
normal to sort this out.

Sorry for the inconvienience.

Jürgen E. Fischer norBIT GmbH Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Rheinstraße 13 Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer D-26506 Norden http://www.norbit.de
Jürgen E. Fischer
2018-10-28 15:16:38 UTC
Hi Andreas,

On Tue, 16. Oct 2018 at 12:49:59 +0000, Müller, Andreas, Dr. phil. wrote:
> I confirm that installation works fine, thank you very much!

> But, unfortunately, i detect some errors/differences in Qt5/PyQt5:
> - in Python36 there was an copy of %osgeo4w_root%\bin\qt.conf in apps\Qt5\bin
> and in apps\python36, now that in Qt5\bin it is missing (not knowing if it
> is needed by anything)
> - in Qt5/Python36 we had QtWebEngine and QtWebKit, now QtWebEngine is
> missing. (QGIS-Plugins using it, will not work)

Should all be back again.


Jürgen E. Fischer norBIT GmbH Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Rheinstraße 13 Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer D-26506 Norden http://www.norbit.de
QGIS release manager (PSC) Germany IRC: jef on FreeNode
Müller, Andreas, Dr. phil.
2018-10-29 10:04:50 UTC
Dear Jürgen,
Thank you very much!
Dr. Andreas Müller -_- Universität Trier - FB VI - Kartographie, ***@uni-trier.de
54286 Trier, Behringstr. 29, F 191, ++496512014576

Von: osgeo4w-dev <osgeo4w-dev-***@lists.osgeo.org> im Auftrag von Jürgen E. Fischer <***@norbit.de>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. Oktober 2018 16:16
An: osgeo4w-***@lists.osgeo.org
Betreff: Re: [osgeo4w-dev] QGIS fails to install

Hi Andreas,

On Tue, 16. Oct 2018 at 12:49:59 +0000, Müller, Andreas, Dr. phil. wrote:
> I confirm that installation works fine, thank you very much!

> But, unfortunately, i detect some errors/differences in Qt5/PyQt5:
> - in Python36 there was an copy of %osgeo4w_root%\bin\qt.conf in apps\Qt5\bin
> and in apps\python36, now that in Qt5\bin it is missing (not knowing if it
> is needed by anything)
> - in Qt5/Python36 we had QtWebEngine and QtWebKit, now QtWebEngine is
> missing. (QGIS-Plugins using it, will not work)

Should all be back again.


Jürgen E. Fischer norBIT GmbH Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Rheinstraße 13 Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer D-26506 Norden http://www.norbit.de
QGIS release manager (PSC) Germany IRC: jef on FreeNode